I’ve been reflecting this month on my trip to India in 2015 and some of the common career issues that came up when visiting the school my church has been sponsoring since 2003. After conversations about this, the principal invited me to speak with the 9th and 10th grade students, which was a fun surprise and challenge. Yep, that’s my photo of them.  It all reminds me that as different as groups may be with language and culture, we have quite a bit in common….something helpful for us to remember about humanity.

One shared pattern was the influence and wishes of parents on their children’s education and future.  I certainly hear this with at least half of my career counseling clients.  In India I learned of two divergent parental influences.  In this poor, rural farming village, I learned many parents were discouraging their sons from finishing higher grades since they were needed on the farm.  On the other end of the spectrum, I met a mother who said she would go without food to pay for school expenses.  This mother was so proud of how many of her children later became teachers!

Another common thread was about whether school seems relevant to the tasks of actually earning a living.  I remembered hearing frequently from engineering students at Carnegie Mellon who thought many of their courses would not be used and were simply hoops to go through.  In the case of the India farming community, I was coached to share with students that a good education would enable them to write farming grants and that math would be needed to make calculations for crop planting calculations and efficiency.

A third common thread was the idea of nepotism and networking.  I recall hearing that in India, it very difficult to get a job in the government unless you are related to someone.  Here in the United States, I naturally encourage networking as a job search strategy with a 50-80% success rate. Networking is simply a foot in the door to get an interview. Hopefully in both countries, the employer wants to hire someone who can actually do the job well.

The reason I have been reflecting on my India experience is that I spent the last three months helping launch a crowdsource funding campaign for a rainwater harvesting facility for the school so students can have water with every meal.  I hope you will take a moment to read the article that follows this.


Most of us take for granted having a glass of water with every meal. At this school in the Khasi Hills of India, these children don’t. This is the school that I visited in 2015 and among other things, gave a career talk to the 9th and 10th grade students. There is no reliable source of water for drinking or plumbing in this poor, remote area. Despite the fact that the region has a monsoon season, there are months during the dry season when the water harvested during the rainy season has run out.

The last three months, I have been coordinating a crowdsource funding campaign to help them raise money for a Rainwater Harvesting facility.  My relationship with the school started in 2003 when I became a sponsor to a student to pay for school expenses until government funding kicked in.  As a woman without children, supporting her had special meaning.  Nubrilon went on to college and became a teacher, and I had the opportunity to actually meet her in person in 2015.

I hope you will take a moment and CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT THIS SCHOOL AND CONSIDER A CONTRIBUTION. Do please view the two-minute video that I’m pretty proud of producing with the help of my tech savvy sweetheart.  Thank you for indulging me in my request to help in the education of children and their futures, which is naturally close to my heart as a career counselor.


I’m so excited to be one of 17 authors featured at this special event hosted by Beth Caldwell of Pittsburgh Professional Women this coming Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 PM. Cara Sapida from WPXI will be sharing the story of her book and all the authors will be briefly interviewed by Jennifer DiLucia from Spill with Me Jenny D. And if you have a book in you waiting to get out, you’ll have a chance to connect with literary agent Lindsey Smith, with whom I personally worked. 

Delicious appetizers, lovely setting, fun networking, and, of course, browsing and shopping, perfectly timed for the holidays or simply a treat for yourself!

The cost is $25 for adults $15 for students ages 18-24 and children under 18 are free. It would be nice to connect with friends and colleagues!

For information about all authors and to register: https://pittsburghprofessionalwomen.com/event-5264765

For information and to order Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search: https://karenscareercoaching.com/help-wanted/

For 10 free inspirational readings from the book: https://karenscareercoaching.com/help-wanted-free-excerpts/

In celebration of my birthday today and the two-year anniversary of my book launch, I am giving away 10 brief, inspirational readings, one each day, delivered conveniently to your mailbox.  This is a gift that I invite you to share with others. The topics include Resilience, Gratitude, Kindness and more.  Many people have said that most of each reading deals with coping with the ups and downs of life, not just the job search.  So, feel free to share with anyone who could use some inspiration. Just click HERE for a super easy sign-up.  You will only get the readings and nothing else; you can rest assured the same if you gift the readings to someone else by entering their email.

If you would like a preview, click HERE for a couple sample readings (then scroll down).

The gift readings will be sent the day after initiating. I hope you will do so today, for yourself and a friend! This would be my best birthday present ever this year!

May this gift keep on giving!

When I came back from the beach after doing my early morning Qigong and dance-like stretches, Cornelius asked what I was doing. He is an employee of the vacation complex I was staying in, and I had just observed him sweeping the beach walk with care. We became morning buddies.

As a career counselor, I admired the pride he took in his work and his authentic warmth toward guests.  As a person, I was enriched by his character and curiosity.  Somehow, we quickly got on big topics of life, psychology, and spirituality.

What particularly struck me is the little red notebook he kept in his pocket.  That first day he wrote down a favorite saying of mine: It’s better to be at peace than right. On the second day he shared some inspirational notes from it with me.

My interaction with Cornelius reminds me that it is who we are and what we bring to our jobs that may be more important than the job itself. Cornelius did actually like his part-time retirement job since he genuinely likes people so much. His authentic character showed through again as he told me about long-time residents of the complex that he connects with and even helps.

Regardless of our job or circumstance, we always have some choice.  Do we bring our best selves? Do we explore other job options? Do we do internal work to manage the situation or our own patterns?

The morning after our second meeting, my daily meditation seemed to give a related message:

“No matter what I am doing, I do so with intention and purpose…..Knowing that everything I do has value, I go about it with humility and gratitude for the opportunity to serve.”

Unity Daily Word, August 31, 2023

With warmth and wisdom, Cornelius contributes more service than he likely realizes.

As summer sets, I’ve been reflecting on seasons. Just yesterday, my daily meditation teacher shared the reflection below by Wu Men Hui K’ai related to seasons.

What season is your life in? Your career? Your learning? Your family life?  Your volunteering? Your retirement? Are you in the new beginnings of spring whether actually in early stages of choosing or doing something or maybe planting seeds for the future?  Perhaps you may be in the bloom of summer experiencing the fullness of something whether good or bad, soaking in what is like we soak up the sunshine.  An autumn stage may symbolize harvest for your efforts, a sense of reward and completion after which may follow some letting go.  Perhaps you are in a winter stage of dormancy, reflection, maybe darkness, wondering what might bloom again. These are natural seasons of life, of careers, of individual experiences.

This year I’ve been in mostly an autumn season of letting go, most recently passing on the torch of my neighborhood blockwatch that I created and facilitated for twenty years. Recently I received an insight message that I’m beginning a new chapter. Related to that I’m also in that winter phase of reflection.  Retirement is also a bit on my mind, though I think it will be a gradual process that will include new springtime beginnings.

The end of summer also reminds me of the school season of new beginnings.  After enjoying the summer, September is often the time to gear up and start new endeavors.  September also hosts Labor Day, a symbolic end of summer and reminder of work.  If you or someone you know has been thinking about new beginnings in education or work, I would be happy to help them explore a new season.

Sassy sax? Deliberate drum? Happy Harp? When I asked Spirit for my affirmation of the day at a group retreat vacation recently, I heard a lovely, lilting bird chirp.  Next was a staccato bird call…that one sounds more like me, I thought.  The affirmation that came to me was “I enjoy life’s symphony.”

We all have our unique gifts, personalities and quirks. Understanding ourselves helps us make better career decisions, negotiate life, and get along with each other. The symphony vision continued to unfold.  If I’m the staccato sounding bird, then maybe I’m the drum in the symphony.  Then my self-awareness kicked in, and I knew that was too much of a background role for me. The drum should be my patient, big-hearted friend, mirroring a steady heartbeat connecting the group. Though I sometimes have a love-hate relationship with leading, I next saw myself as the lead, playing the sax, in a bit of limelight.  The instrument vision for each dear friend popped into my mind, and I had a good time sharing the scene. The six of us made quite a unique symphony.

What personality traits are natural to you?  Are you honoring them in your job, retirement, or other activities?  Are you aware of the shadow side of your gifts? I think I love career counseling so much since I get to help people understand themselves better, as well as make education and career choices that they are happier with. Personality and strengths/gifts are two of the core areas of self-awareness in career counseling along with interests and values.  I’d be happy to help you or someone you care about find their seat in life’s career symphony.

Sidebar: I figured there must be a quiz and indeed there are many if you search on “What musical instrument personality are you?”  Some are about actually choosing an instrument and some more psychological in nature. Unfortunately, the first one I tried made me take two advertising surveys, and I never could finish it. Let me know if you find one you like!

If you missed the May Monastery blog about DREAMS, click HERE.

I recently made an interesting connection between my clients putting off getting professional assistance and my own recognizing that it could be helpful.

In my last blog newsletter, I shared that I am a prolific nighttime dreamer.  The first night at my Erie hermitage retreat, I recorded five of them and a record 17 pages in my dollar store fat book. The first four were unsettling, so I requested a positive, meaningful one. Dream #5: When I couldn’t get to the library from where I was despite seeing the escalator to it, someone gave me confusing directions, then walked me there; we went to another building, diagonally across sand to a hidden stairway below-ground entrance. 

I woke up with the thought ‘I would have never found that on my own!”

So, I decided I would inquire about the spiritual direction resource available through the monastery. How odd I’ve not done that before.

My career counseling clients often come in with stacks of questionable quizzes, lists of books they read, and stories of the Internet rabbit hole. Their minds are still swirling, and no decisions made. 

I often say we’re not born knowing how to make good career decisions, just like we’re not born knowing how to make good financial decisions. We can educate ourselves, but sometimes an outside professional perspective can help.

So this career counselor will take her own advice and that of her dream messages.  In terms of career direction, THAT I can help with. I could do it in my sleep…but won’t.

After settling in at my hermitage retreat in Erie this weekend, I picked a book out of my pile that filled half of my suitcase. I decided to begin with The Art of Life since it was written by Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun from this monastery.

When I opened it to the May chapter, my heart quickened when I saw the theme of the chapter: DREAMS. First, I thought, “What a great topic for a career blog.” Then I asked, “Do I dream?”

I regularly ask my clients “What’s your dream job?”  If that’s too hard, then “How would you like to spend your time if you won the lottery?” I go on to say that if you don’t allow yourself to think about the ideal, give it space, then it’s not likely to happen.  Perhaps it can give a clue to a job direction or retirement idea.  Or maybe it reminds about taking time for something enjoyable, including renewing an interest from the past.

Here are a few excerpts from the book:

“Dreams are the lifeblood of becoming.”
“Dreams are destinations toward which we bend out lives, not possibilities unfulfilled.”
“The difficulty of dreams is if we suppress them, we may live to regret the present.”
“The truth is it is the goals we nurture within us that determine the eventual quality of our lives.”
“Dream big, but realize that every great hope is achieved one small step at a time along the way.”

The Art of Life, Joan Chittister

Back to my question: Do I dream? I asked it because I think I don’t as a left-brain, busy type.  I not only don’t take the time, but my mind doesn’t operate that way. For Myer-Briggs aficionado’s, despite being a counselor, I score higher on Sensing (concrete) not Intuition (more imagination).

I actually have a prolific nighttime dream life, sometimes with guidance and premonitions. Because I am so left-brain, insight best comes through the sleeping subconscious. When I have taken time to daytime dream, I’ve made audio recordings of visualizations, and found years later I was living my dreams.

Knowing my nature, I need to remove myself from daily life to give space for the unfolding of intuition, messages and dreams.  So here I am at my favorite retreat site signing off from this handwritten blog, to perhaps dream. 

I invite you to take some time to dream too.

In this season of spring, Easter, Passover, and Ramadan, I want to share an excerpt from my book on Renewal. Most of it is relevant whether you are in the job search or not. Please forward to any friends or family who may be in the job search. If you would like more information on my book, go to www.KarensCareerCoaching/Help-Wanted.

“Rest when you’re
weary. Refresh and
renew yourself, your
body, your mind, your
spirit. Then get back
to work.”
Ralph Marston

Finding the energy to keep going in the job search can be
hard. We must find a way to renew our spirits and take the
next step forward. Sometimes that may involve rest for the
body, mind, and spirit, yet too much rest can lead to excuses
and procrastination.

Sometimes we can be renewed by that which is around us if
we pay attention and allow ourselves to be in the right frame
of mind. Renewal can come from blossoming flowers in the
springtime, sparkling fresh snow in the winter, or through an
unexpected smile of a stranger. We remind ourselves that although
trees look barren in the winter, they are still full of life,
ready to come forth in the right time. Similarly, seeds of plants
take time to peek through the soil and time to bear fruit.

Even if you are weary from what appear to be fruitless efforts
in the job search, keep planting your seeds of eff ort. Plant
one more resume, phone call, and networking meeting. Water
them with positive energy, however hard to muster. Pay
attention to your seedlings and follow up as needed. Prune
negative interactions from your life that may choke your energy.
Have faith that at the right time for the right job, your
seeds of eff ort will be rewarded, and you will blossom with
your new opportunity.

Affirmation: I remember that life can spring
forth following barren times

Sometimes we need to let go and create space for new positive directions in our lives. Equally as important as New Year’s intentions or resolutions is processing the past year. In that spirit, I am sharing two personal messages that I hope can inspire and support you.

I unexpectedly wrote the Creating Space poem (that follows) in 2002 at a Benedictine monastery following the death of my mother and loss of a job the year before.  This year I was invited to give a New Year’s Day message at Unity Center of Pittsburgh where I was a member for a few years. The invitation was prompted by my newsletter/blog this year: Letting Go. If you would like a little more inspiration to begin the new year, CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO.  If you would like to skip to my message, go to minute 33 of the video.  The message includes a brief reflective writing exercise and invitation to release and let go of something from 2022; as I have invited job loss outplacement workshop clients in the past, tear up that sheet of paper, maybe stomp on it, before throwing it in the garbage. Or as I invite in the video, safely burn it. HERE IS A LINK TO A CHANT my friends and I have used for end-of-year letting go rituals for decades; you can simply listen to it and add your own word of what you wish to let go of.

I affirm for you good health, peace, and prosperity for 2023.

Creating Space

May we release our unneeded “stuff” to the universe,

that which fills our closets,

          clutters our minds,

          distracts our souls,

          invades our dreams,

That which is from the past,

another time,

other circumstances,

distant people,

far away places.

May we release our unwanted stuff to the universe,

          to create sacred space for new experiences,

          loving people,

          interesting places,

          fresh ideas.

Gracious Spirit, may you help us to

          open our hearts,

          refresh our minds,

          renew our bodies,

          nurture our souls,

To receive all that is in our greatest good.

©Karen Litzinger, 2002. All rights reserved. Permission given to share with this credit and live link where applicable.

What fun being a guest on Jeff Altman’s podcast featuring my book, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search. Jeff is a highly accomplished career coach and founder of JobSearchTV.com on YouTube where you can find many great job search podcasts.  He’s known as The Big Game Hunter from his recruiting days seeking out top talent.

Please do check out Jeff’s great offerings!  I was so busy with my Virtual Job Club Tour in the fall that I missed the release of my podcast.  So even if you’ve heard me or know what my book is all about, please CLICK HERE to the video and maybe another of Jeff’s links in this article.  If your prefer, here is the transcript link instead. We all know how important clicks are in search engine optimization, SEO, and I’d like to support Jeff for the kindness he showed me.  Plus, surely you know someone in or thinking about the job search who can benefit from wise counsel, so please consider clicking and sharing!  I want to give a special shout out to Jeff’s services on Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching.  Actually, I’ve had a hard time finding people who do Executive Coaching not sponsored by the employer, so I’m excited to refer Jeff to you and some of my future clients!

Kindness Reminders

What was so fun about Jeff’s podcast (besides him) is that he randomly picked and read excerpts from my book and then asked me to comment.  One of the topics he opened to was Kindness.  With the winter holidays’ emphasis on giving, I encourage us to give one of the most important gifts, kindness.  It doesn’t cost anything and just take a few seconds. Kindness might just be a smile or silent blessing to someone you pass on the street or a thank you to a customer service employee.  Or maybe a gift of services to a relative, or a monetary contribution to a person or organization in need. May this reminder of kindness warm your heart and holiday spirit.

Kindness Excerpt from My Book

“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

Fred Rogers

Kindness softens our edges. Although we may feel most in need of kindness during the job search, we are well-served to extend it.

Sometimes we can feel we are being treated unkindly in the job search. We may be not hearing back in a timely way after an interview or from a networking lead. People have busy schedules and competing needs. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and you’ll likely feel better. The alternative may be bitterness, which will not help in the job search.

Beyond the search, spread kindness wherever you can. Because of the stressful job search journey, you may know more than others the benefit of a smile, an encouraging word, or extra effort. Sharing kindness from your heart can help your soul and may even attract kindness towards you.

I extend kindness to others as I would like to receive it.

When I received the article link to the Harvard Business Review article on bullying, it reminded me that I wanted to address this topic since I saw a fabulous presentation by Janet Glover-Kerkvliet at the Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association through her role at the Workplace Bullying Institute. My notes are long since lost, but what I most remember and advise clients routinely is that the situation will most likely not change. The best recourse is to cut losses and start networking and looking for a new job. 

The Harvard Business Review article noted that 48.6 million Americans or about 30% of the workforce are being bullied at work.  Bullying has a significant impact not only psychologically, but physically, socially, economically and even organizationally, such as lost productivity, increased healthcare costs and turnover and replacement costs.

From the program and the Workplace Bullying Institute site, I’ve been most struck by:

Errors in Traditional Advice –

-Confronting the bully – It’s natural to think you should do this, but usually it doesn’t work and the bully has the power of surprise.

-Tell the bully’s boss – This person will not stop it because they likely know about the bully and condone or ignore the behavior, or they may be afraid of the bully.

-Tell Human Resources – HR is a management support function and not in a role to advocate. Even if a well-meaning HR person wanted to help, they usually do not have the clout to affect behavior, especially with higher-level managers.  The Workplace Bullying Institute advises to tell HR last.

How to Take Action –

-Don’t delay action from paralysis, shame, hoping the bully will stop, or waiting until an investigation by HR or a law firm is over which can take months. Cut losses and start the healing process.

-Recognize and name the bullying early.  Listen to your gut and perspectives of friends and family.

-Spend time quality time with people who can validate who you were before the bullying to help you counter shame.

-Find a mental health professional with expertise in trauma.

-Document specific situations, dates, places and who was present.  Ask colleagues “Did you hear that?”  Asking “Has it ever happened to you?” can help break the silence.

-Connect with an attorney to explore legal options.  This can be difficult in that bullying is not illegal, but sometimes is connected to discrimination issues.

-If you want to go public, do so with the highest ranking neutral upper-level manager.  Assemble cost data to show a business reason to address bullying.  Rehearse and focus on facts, not emotions.

-Be prepared to be fired for speaking out. Keep contacts and projects organized and accessible at home as permitted since terminations for employees are often immediate.

-Begin networking and looking for another job to be happier and healthier.

The Workplace Bullying Institute has a plethora or resources for organizations wishing to prevent and intervene with bullying behavior and training for professionals of all backgrounds including in the mental health, HR, legal, and education fields.

The Workplace Bullying Institute has a special comprehensive section called Help for Bullied People, with sections including:

  • Recognition
  • Workplace Bullying Defined
  • What Bullying Is Not
  • Why It Happens
  • Bullying Types and Tactics
  • Targets, the Best Among Us
  • About Your Perplexing Coworkers
  • Selecting a Therapist
  • Checking Legal Options
  • Living After Bullying

I hope these insights help many people whether you are being bullied, know a victim, or can help someone personally or professionally who is being bullied.

Since the message that most resonated is that the bully will not change, please know I am here to help with action steps of networking and looking for a new job.

(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Article/Litzinger Interview, September 25, 2022, by Hannah Qu)

It’s one of those times when you feel like your work is going nowhere, your boss is harsh and unapproachable, and your colleagues are aloof. You are thinking about quitting your job as many people have in the past year.

But wait. Are you and your job really a bad fit, or are you just having a bad day?

A McKinsey report in fall 2021 showed that 40% of people at the workplace were at least somewhat likely to quit their jobs in the next three to six months, with 18% of those respondents likely to almost certain to make the move. The findings were consistent across five countries surveyed — Australia, Canada, Singapore, the U.K. and the U.S.

The top 10 reasons for leaving were:

  • lack of career development and advancement;
  • inadequate total compensation;
  • uncaring and uninspiring leaders;
  • lack of meaningful work;
  • unsustainable expectations;
  • unreliable and unsupportive people at work;
  • lack of flexibility;
  • lack of support for health and well-being;
  • non-inclusive environment;
  • geographic ties and travel demands;
  • unsafe workplace environments; and
  • inadequate resource availability.

And with the pandemic giving many people a new lens with which to view their lives, many have been reconsidering what they want.

“The Great Resignation or the group shuffling has been all about people reevaluating their lives,” said Karen Litzinger, a Pittsburgh-based certified career counselor and author of “Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search.” 

“I’m seeing a lot of people who said they thought about a career change, or they were unhappy for five to 10 years, and then the pandemic is really causing them to want to take some action.”

Lately, that action for many has been to tell the boss goodbye. Data released by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed 4.3 million Americans quitting their jobs in May.

But is that the right move for everyone?

Ms. Litzinger said she encourages people to consider how big of a change to make when they are unhappy with their current job: Is it the career field, the specific employer, the industry, or something in themselves that is making them unhappy? She also suggests looking into whether their interests, their skills, their personality and their values fit their job.

“I try to help them evaluate why they are unhappy. Whether it’s this specific employer, and maybe it is the supervisor — they are being rigid and won’t allow remote working, or the hours aren’t good — that might mean a job change,” Ms. Litzinger said.

“Sometimes it’s an industry change: They really don’t care about the industry, and they could apply their skills in something that they cared more about.”

For those who decide to change their career, she said the first thing is to be as sure as possible about the change before they make it.

“Ways to reduce the risk would be related to looking at themselves … and then also to look to see what’s out there,” Ms. Litzinger said. “It might be reading about careers from a real career information site or LinkedIn with your job vacancies, narrowing it down to two or three top careers and talk to two or three people in these careers.”

She emphasized that networking is important. It not only increases the chance of getting the job, but also those people in an applicant’s network could also potentially know more about the employer and help workers avoid once again landing on a job that they don’t like.

As for people who decide to stay with their current job, she advised implementing more self-care and coping strategies and considering looking for internal transfer or a promotion.

“What can I do differently if I’m choosing to be here? And what can I do differently in terms of my response to the situation?”

The recent death of Barbara Ehrenreich, author of the New York Times best seller Nickel and Dimed, reminded me of wanting to write about a neighbor who worked at the local Giant Eagle grocery store as a cashier.  I meant to share this years ago. It’s a simple, yet complex story. It’s a story of class and the American Dream.

I was buying some last-minute supplies for our neighborhood’s annual block party celebrating National Night Out.  In my welcoming manner, I invited and likely encouraged this neighbor that I didn’t know so well who was bagging my groceries to come to the event.  She replied that she couldn’t make it since she was working her second job that evening.

Something about her comment jarred me.  I felt sad that she needed to work two jobs.  I’m figuring it was to make ends meet, but it could have been for another reason.  I felt a bit embarrassed that I’m into this little neighborhood event and she had more pressing ways to spend her time.  I felt a class difference that made me feel uncomfortable. Right, and she was bagging my groceries! Being able to earn a living working one job afforded me the privilege to organize and attend a community event.

I had a flashback to Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. In 1998 she went “undercover” to experience the life of working minimum wage jobs, fully immersed living off of that income, I believe for a year. With millions living in poverty, she was inspired to see if the promise of welfare reform was real, that any job can enable a better life.  It was clear that in order to have a roof over her head and food on the table, the $6.00 minimum wage required having two jobs. It is a compelling, classic work that I think is still relevant today.  How interesting that she died three days before Labor Day.

Even though wages are going up, partly thanks to the pandemic, they are not keeping pace with inflation.  Working two jobs often doesn’t afford the privilege of community activities, school involvement, and children’s extracurricular activities. Wouldn’t we all be better off if this were more possible?

People are sometimes needing to be in two jobs to make ends meet through no fault of their own. Reasons might be parents couldn’t afford post-high school education, divorce, unexpected health costs, and so much more. Personally I think people who work two jobs are most likely hard workers.

It’s hard for me to write this article about class and not mention race, partially because I am just finishing the book Waking Up White and Finding the Story of Race, by Debby Irving. I want everyone to read this book, oops I mean white people! Email me, and I will buy you a copy! It’s had that much impact on me.  This topic may be another article, but I wanted to mention it. No, my grocery store neighbor was not a person of color.  Yes, I believe there are so many more unseen and historic barriers to the American Dream for people of color from our 400+ year history of racism.

Please read this book! I will buy it for you!