Is the local economy starting to slow down?  A Pittsburgh Business Times study reported in its most recent issue that there was an 18% decline in job vacancies posted by the 50 largest Pittsburgh region employers, comparing this July to last July. Keep in mind it’s always better to explore a career or job change in a good market than a tight one.

According to the analysis, 26 employers had fewer openings and 21 had more. The decrease is in multiple industries, including banking, manufacturing, hospitality, and retail. Healthcare postings are still up. Elsewhere in the article, a report by the Allegheny Conference on Community Development noted that data science and IT roles continue to be the region’s fastest growing occupations in addition to healthcare. Artificial intelligence, operations, civil engineering, and personal financial advising were also cited as in demand in this issue of the PBT.

Despite some news of a slow-down, data from the PA Department of Labor and Industry show that the Pennsylvania unemployment rate was just 3.8 percent in June 2019, down from 4.2 percent in June 2018.  The Allegheny Conference on Community Development’s “2017-18 Inflections Point” report shows projections of a shortage of up to 80,000 workers by 2025 due to Baby Boomer retirements.

For help in navigating education, career, or job choices, consider career coaching to help save time and energy and avoid mistakes.

A January 2019 article by SUCCESS Magazine referenced a study that found that simply the presence of a smartphone reduces “available cognitive capacity and impairs cognitive functioning, even though people feel they’re giving their full attention and focus to the task at hand.” Get smart about your smartphone!

Keep reading for a link to the article and complimentary handout.  Since the article gave the 3 C’s of Smartphone Etiquette at the office, I thought I would briefly share my Top 10 Digital Etiquette Best Practices from a tips sheet I give out during my business etiquette and professional training sessions:

  1. Refrain from texting during a meeting or dinner
  2. Test texting waters
  3. Text primarily when response time is important
  4. Safer to avoid abbreviations
  5. Proofread
  6. Include a clear, direct subject line
  7. Keep emails short
  8. Refrain from Reply All
  9. Participate and give feedback on social media
  10. Use a personal, customized message for invitations

If you would like the complete one-page handout I am happy to share it with you. Just reply back with the subject line: Digital Etiquette Tips Sheet Please.  If you know of an organization that would benefit from increased professionalism (often sales teams, leadership programs, associations, and accounting and law firms), I would love to hear from you about that too. My most popular programs are:

  • Power Mingling: Network with Ease and Effectiveness
  • Dining Etiquette: Command New Confidence at Your Next Business Lunch
  • You Did What? Cultural Social Graces for International Travel

Click HERE for a link to the SUCCESS Magazine article.