Career Coaching
Karen Litzinger has over 25 years of experience and highest credentials including Certified Career Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Board Certified Coach.
when we witnessed your high energy, sense of humor, and ability to appeal to several learning styles.”
~ Joan Anson, Graduate Student Career Services Consortium , University of Pittsburgh
into a lively learning experience. Everyone can use a brush-up on professionalism and civility!
~ Ryan Pillar, Pittsburgh Society of Association Executives
and able to put my energies toward something I could really find fulfilling. Thank you, Karen!
~ Lara M.
with professionalism and confidence, a true coach!
~ Patty C.
Far less expensive than an extra year of college because of a false start freshman year.”
~ Dana W., mother of two high school clients
Whether you are looking for individual career coaching assistance or an educational, entertaining speaker, Karen Litzinger will help you increase your competence and confidence to be more comfortable and successful with your actions.
Karen is a Certified Career Counselor, the highest counseling credential of the National Career Development Association. She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Counselor with over 25 years of experience in the career coaching profession.
Click here for information about World Gratitude Day and Karen’s involvement.
Karen Litzinger has over 25 years of experience and highest credentials including Certified Career Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Board Certified Coach.
Support your employees during during layoffs with highly personalized career transition support to maintain morale with existing staff and because it is the right thing to do.
Whether you are seeking a trainer on professionalism, a speaker for a high school assembly, or an outplacement workshop leader for downsized employees, Karen can deliver.