Entries by Karen Litzinger


Another Angle on Goal-Setting

Another alternative to setting resolutions and goals came to my inbox from Robert Holden. He shared this sentence from A Course in Miracles: “A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plan that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own.”  These are the four spiritually oriented-questions, he suggests to […]


Forgiveness is for You!

Is there a co-worker or client who treated you poorly? Or a supervisor who passed you over for a promotion?  Or perhaps you were terminated from your job and still feeling resentment or anger? Whether in work or personal life, the act of forgiveness is for you, to set you free of resentment and bondage. […]

Fred Rogers: A Model of Kindness

Give yourself the gift of inspiration this season with A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood movie. With so much incivility in society and in the workplace, Fred Rogers provides a muchneeded model of kindness. This drama has meaning and depth, eliciting both laughter and tears. It is based on the true story of Fred Rogers […]


The Future of Work

There’s no magic crystal ball showing the jobs of the future. However, my respected colleague, Jim Peacock, wrote an excellent newsletter in July about the future of work with fascinating links I want to share. My favorite is from the World Economic Forum even though it is 18 months old. The article, 4 Predictions for […]


The Etiquette of Introductions

Introducing yourself to new people or making an introduction to someone new doesn’t have to be awkward.  A few simple steps and phrases will serve you in any circumstance, whether socially, at the office, or at a networking event. Also read on for help when you forget someone’s name. To introduce someone to someone else: […]

Make Your Move Now

Is the local economy starting to slow down?  A Pittsburgh Business Times study reported in its most recent issue that there was an 18% decline in job vacancies posted by the 50 largest Pittsburgh region employers, comparing this July to last July. Keep in mind it’s always better to explore a career or job change […]

Be Smart About Your Smartphone

A January 2019 article by SUCCESS Magazine referenced a study that found that simply the presence of a smartphone reduces “available cognitive capacity and impairs cognitive functioning, even though people feel they’re giving their full attention and focus to the task at hand.” Get smart about your smartphone! Keep reading for a link to the […]

Carter Visit and Character Survey

When I traveled to Georgia last month to see President Jimmy Carter teach Sunday School, it made me think about the concept of character. I want to share a bit of my trip and also a link to a free character strengths profile. When I was researching my trip, I was heartened to see comments […]


Good Market = Good Time to Explore

A good job market is a good time to explore a career or job change.  Would you like to be happier?  It’s much easier to make a move when you aren’t worried about just hanging onto a job in a bad market. Pittsburgh has been in the news multiple times this past year for a […]

Work and Love Quotes

“Work is love made visible.”  Khalil Gibran “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius “Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.” Rumi “Do what you love. When you love your work, […]

Salary Negotiation: Do It!

Only 55% of people negotiate salary following an offer while 70% of senior managers expect some negotiation.  Candidates are leaving money on the table!  These are survey results from the Robert Half staffing firm released on February 13, 2019, and include 2800 workers and 2800 senior managers. Complete survey: http://rh-us.mediaroom.com/2019-02-13-Survey-55-Percent-Of-Workers-Negotiated-Pay-With-Last-Job-Offer Women are typically the big […]

Gratitude Meditations and Humor

Perhaps you have some gratitude prayers from your own religious tradition. If not or you are more secular in philosophy, here are a couple to consider for a daily practice from the Robert Emmon book, Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. From Garrison Keillor, Prairie Home Companion Thank you, Lord […]

Five Levels of RESPECT

When I was asked to do a full day training on business etiquette and professionalism, I knew I needed to find more meaningful motivation than the hundreds of guidelines and “rules.” My inspiration came in the middle of the night from Aretha Franklin: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. That is what etiquette means to me! As part of my […]

What Would Mister Rogers Do?

Being from Pittsburgh I have always been proud of and inspired by Fred Rogers. Though I was a few years too old to fully enjoy his show, I felt connected and cried when he died in 2003. When I think of Fred Rogers, I think of kindness. I loved the book, The World According to […]