Gone are the office parties and social festive gatherings of yesteryear, at least for this season! Maybe you’ve already cringed at seeing the word networking in the title? Whether you are in a career transition or not, remember it is always good to stay in touch with friends, family and past colleagues. You may one day want to ask a question like “Do you know anyone in the ___________ field/industry?”
The pandemic is a perfect opportunity to get back in touch with people from the past. Many people were reaching out in the spring with a “Thinking of you. How are you?” message. So many of my clients regularly share how they have lost touch with people from long ago and feel awkward about reaching out. Now is a good time for a holiday greeting of caring and connection. If you are exploring a career shift or in the midst of the job search, keep it light and relationship-oriented. You can always follow-up in January.
It doesn’t matter that much whether it’s via Facebook, LinkedIn, email, phone call, text or a nice old-fashioned holiday card.
You might share something like:
“I know I’ve not been in touch for quite a while, but the pandemic got me thinking that I wanted to reach out and share a holiday hello. I hope you and your loved ones are managing well enough during these trying times. (Can share a bit about yourself.) I look forward to hearing how you’re doing and maybe catching up a bit. Best wishes for a safe, healthy and meaningful holiday season.”
Don’t miss this unique time to reach out and touch someone! Figuratively, of course!