Since I was in North Carolina this month visiting family and walking on the beach, I’m inspired to share and repost an article I wrote in 2016 following an earlier visit. Perhaps it can help you if you are in search of the elusive “perfect” career (or perfect anything) and encourage you to tap into your intuition.
Repost from June 2016:
I was recently in North Carolina for my great-niece’s college graduation and received some insights on perfection and intuition. After a nice meal we all meandered along the beach. Naturally I started looking for sea shells. With being mid-day, the pickings were slim.
I picked up one smooth amber shell that was lovely. But it wasn’t a complete shell, so I kept looking.

Next was a pock-marked amber shell. Wow, so cool and intriguing. I wasn’t sure I’d seen anything like it. But where was that whole, ideal shell?

There it was, the next one…whole and perfect…and surprisingly boring. But surely this is the one I want, the one I was looking for.

Perhaps you are in search of the perfect career? Perfect job? Perfect mate? Perfect pet? (yes, I’m looking for another doggie now). Intellectually we know there is no perfect answer or decision. Sometimes we find something different than we were looking for, and it is just right (like the 11 year old dog, Tika, I adopted when looking for a 3-5 year old).
So even though it is good to have goals and ideals, it is also good to be open to what might present itself. Sometimes the quest for perfection could cause a person to not make progress or a decision. An answer may come with that quiet voice of intuition that tugs at you and takes you perhaps to someplace unexpected.