
After getting a speeding ticket today, I was inspired to write about TIME. Ironically, I was rushing to get to a massage appointment. Dovetailing, I am including the Time excerpt from my book, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs for the Job Search. Over 80% of the Time reading applies to everyday life, not just the job search, so I hope you’ll read on.

I have a complicated relationship with time.  Mostly I underestimate the time it takes to do something or try to get just one more thing done before leaving. I’ve even drafted in my head how this would be the answer to my “What are your weaknesses?” question, with well-crafted examples of self-talk about how I am self-aware and have made progress. I often joke that if there was a Time Disorder in the DSM mental health directory, I would have it.

So in these “lazy days of summer,” are you allowing yourself some time to slow down, relax, rejuvenate, reflect, enjoy the ride? A nice touchstone are lyrics from a favorite James Taylor song of mine, Secret O’ Life.

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time

Any fool can do it. There ain’t nothing to it.

Einstein said he could never understand it all.

Planets spinning through space, the smile upon your face, welcome to the human race.

James Taylor, Secret of Life

Link to the song.

And if it’s time for your or a loved one to explore greater career happiness, I’d be happy to help, More info here.


Excerpt from my book, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search

Available through on-line and brick and mortar bookstores everywhere. Signed copy via my website.

Time can drag when you are waiting to hear from an employer. Time can feel like it’s running out when you’ve been in the job search process for a while, facing impending financial pressures. Some days fly by productively, and some languish in misery.

We try to control time by all manner of goal-setting and time management techniques. While some strategy is important in the search for productivity, pause to reflect on the bigger picture. Allow yourself time for family, friends, and self-care. A layoff may even be a gift of time for things more important than work. You may have heard it said that on one’s deathbed, we don’t say we wish we spent more time with work.

Looking at the past brings regret and looking at the future brings worry. The only time that is real is the present moment. Accept it. Make the most of it. Be fully present whether with friends or family or in your job search. Take a breath and trust your time will come.

Affirmation: I accept the present moment and will make the most of it

Bonus inspiration: The quote on featured picture of my dining room clock.