In this season of spring, Easter, Passover, and Ramadan, I want to share an excerpt from my book on Renewal. Most of it is relevant whether you are in the job search or not. Please forward to any friends or family who may be in the job search. If you would like more information on my book, go to www.KarensCareerCoaching/Help-Wanted.
“Rest when you’re
weary. Refresh and
renew yourself, your
body, your mind, your
spirit. Then get back
to work.”
Ralph Marston
Finding the energy to keep going in the job search can be
hard. We must find a way to renew our spirits and take the
next step forward. Sometimes that may involve rest for the
body, mind, and spirit, yet too much rest can lead to excuses
and procrastination.
Sometimes we can be renewed by that which is around us if
we pay attention and allow ourselves to be in the right frame
of mind. Renewal can come from blossoming flowers in the
springtime, sparkling fresh snow in the winter, or through an
unexpected smile of a stranger. We remind ourselves that although
trees look barren in the winter, they are still full of life,
ready to come forth in the right time. Similarly, seeds of plants
take time to peek through the soil and time to bear fruit.
Even if you are weary from what appear to be fruitless efforts
in the job search, keep planting your seeds of eff ort. Plant
one more resume, phone call, and networking meeting. Water
them with positive energy, however hard to muster. Pay
attention to your seedlings and follow up as needed. Prune
negative interactions from your life that may choke your energy.
Have faith that at the right time for the right job, your
seeds of eff ort will be rewarded, and you will blossom with
your new opportunity.
Affirmation: I remember that life can spring
forth following barren times