Whether chaos of career or country, it can signify a state before creation where something entirely new and yet unknown has the potential to emerge.
I’ve seen the chaos of COVID-19 cause people to re-examine values and make big time career changes. My hope is that the chaos of the country will cause kindness, compassion and deeper spiritual growth to emerge. Meantime, I take agency and action inspired from a place of love…in my family, community and country.
Taking action for career chaos or uncertainty may include self-reflection and career research; often working with a career counselor can bring some organization to randomly spinning thoughts.
As I have been contemplating the theme of chaos lately, I came across a blog post I made on January 12, 2021 following the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. Below is a brief excerpt of the article I quoted that may be applicable during these times.
A Speed of Soul Encouragement – Acknowledging Grief, Claiming Love, Remembering Radiance – Excerpt
By Carrie Newcomer, Artist/Musician, originally posted in www.DailyGood.org, January 9, 2021
“My encouragement today is to claim agency and to claim love. Text, zoom, call or somehow connect with someone who you think of as a treasure in your life, someone that illuminates your life, who reminds you of the power of love and the remembrance of radiance. Reach out and affirm what keeps saving us – goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gratitude, generosity, hospitality, justice and love…always love. Lay your hand on your heart and know that you also illuminate the lives of others around you. You are also doing what you can each day, in your own way, to make the world around you a kinder place.
Today we acknowledge the shadows, but we lean into the light.”
In closing from Karen: May you find some calm and creation in any chaos of career and country.
CLICK HERE for complete blog post/article.
More about Carrie Newcomer HERE

Image: Chaos by Fenyou 2012, Creative Commons License