(Click HERE for my post about World Gratitude Day.)

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” ~ Buddha

You may wonder, “How can I be thinking about gratitude when I’m in a cloud of career confusion or buried in rejections?” Gratitude is a coping tool during dark times, helping shift perspective. When we focus on lack, it creates negative energy that can paralyze our actions and repel people who may be able to help us.

Each day look for positive things: a beautiful sunset, a favorite food, an email from a friend, or a special moment with your child or pet. Maybe there are elements about your search process you can be grateful for, such as an email reply, a job prospect, or a networking meeting, even if only five minutes of it was helpful. Perhaps there is even something to be grateful for in the midst of the search itself, whether getting to spend more time with family due to a job loss or recognizing your courage to explore a new direction.

Consider starting a gratitude journal and writing down five short bullets about what you are grateful for each night before you go to bed. If you’re stuck, then write down that you have a bed to sleep in or a roof over your head. Think of one thing you are grateful for before getting out of bed, and that can change the course of your day.

Each day I notice things and people for whom I am grateful.

Copyright 2021, Karen Litzinger, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search. Permission is granted to share for non-commercial purposes with this entire notation, https://KarensCareerCoaching.com/help-wanted

For 10 complimentary excerpts of the book arriving daily: https://KarensCareerCoaching.com/help-wanted-free-excerpts

You can order the book through either link above.

Who might you want to thank in your life? On the 10th Anniversary of my business in 2012 I hosted a Pittsburgh World Gratitude Day event.  I found out about the September 21 world holiday when looking up the term “Thank-You-Note-a-thon” which was my original idea for the celebration. As a career counselor and business etiquette trainer, I’ve been all about thank you notes!  My anniversary event and the next five yearly events were fundraisers for Literacy Pittsburgh, a natural tie to writing notes.

I enjoyed reliving this meaningful period this past Sunday as the featured speaker at Unity Center of Pittsburgh.  I invite you to take a moment right now to write a note (ok, or email or text) to someone you appreciate to celebrate this Saturday’s World Gratitude Day.  I also invite you to view my inspirational message of gratitude that begins at minute mark 34 on THIS LINK. You may also want to check out the beautiful rendition of the song Count Your Blessings by Irving Berlin from the movie White Christmas at minute mark 30.

If you would like more information about gratitude practices, the history of World Gratitude Day, and my story of the impact of writing a thank you note to my 9th grade teacher, CLICK HERE for my website about this. I still keep it kind of alive thinking maybe someday I’ll do another event….

I also invite you to consider a contribution to Literacy Pittsburgh in honor of World Gratitude Day and in appreciation of their important service.

Do check out my other gratitude blog article which is an excerpt from my book, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search.  Yes, one can find reasons to be grateful even during trying times!

I leave you with a favorite quote on gratitude: