If you missed the May Monastery blog about DREAMS, click HERE.
I recently made an interesting connection between my clients putting off getting professional assistance and my own recognizing that it could be helpful.
In my last blog newsletter, I shared that I am a prolific nighttime dreamer. The first night at my Erie hermitage retreat, I recorded five of them and a record 17 pages in my dollar store fat book. The first four were unsettling, so I requested a positive, meaningful one. Dream #5: When I couldn’t get to the library from where I was despite seeing the escalator to it, someone gave me confusing directions, then walked me there; we went to another building, diagonally across sand to a hidden stairway below-ground entrance.
I woke up with the thought ‘I would have never found that on my own!”
So, I decided I would inquire about the spiritual direction resource available through the monastery. How odd I’ve not done that before.
My career counseling clients often come in with stacks of questionable quizzes, lists of books they read, and stories of the Internet rabbit hole. Their minds are still swirling, and no decisions made.

I often say we’re not born knowing how to make good career decisions, just like we’re not born knowing how to make good financial decisions. We can educate ourselves, but sometimes an outside professional perspective can help.
So this career counselor will take her own advice and that of her dream messages. In terms of career direction, THAT I can help with. I could do it in my sleep…but won’t.