What fun being a guest on Jeff Altman’s podcast featuring my book, Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search. Jeff is a highly accomplished career coach and founder of JobSearchTV.com on YouTube where you can find many great job search podcasts. He’s known as The Big Game Hunter from his recruiting days seeking out top talent.
Please do check out Jeff’s great offerings! I was so busy with my Virtual Job Club Tour in the fall that I missed the release of my podcast. So even if you’ve heard me or know what my book is all about, please CLICK HERE to the video and maybe another of Jeff’s links in this article. If your prefer, here is the transcript link instead. We all know how important clicks are in search engine optimization, SEO, and I’d like to support Jeff for the kindness he showed me. Plus, surely you know someone in or thinking about the job search who can benefit from wise counsel, so please consider clicking and sharing! I want to give a special shout out to Jeff’s services on Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching. Actually, I’ve had a hard time finding people who do Executive Coaching not sponsored by the employer, so I’m excited to refer Jeff to you and some of my future clients!

Kindness Reminders
What was so fun about Jeff’s podcast (besides him) is that he randomly picked and read excerpts from my book and then asked me to comment. One of the topics he opened to was Kindness. With the winter holidays’ emphasis on giving, I encourage us to give one of the most important gifts, kindness. It doesn’t cost anything and just take a few seconds. Kindness might just be a smile or silent blessing to someone you pass on the street or a thank you to a customer service employee. Or maybe a gift of services to a relative, or a monetary contribution to a person or organization in need. May this reminder of kindness warm your heart and holiday spirit.
Kindness Excerpt from My Book
“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”
Fred Rogers
Kindness softens our edges. Although we may feel most in need of kindness during the job search, we are well-served to extend it.
Sometimes we can feel we are being treated unkindly in the job search. We may be not hearing back in a timely way after an interview or from a networking lead. People have busy schedules and competing needs. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and you’ll likely feel better. The alternative may be bitterness, which will not help in the job search.
Beyond the search, spread kindness wherever you can. Because of the stressful job search journey, you may know more than others the benefit of a smile, an encouraging word, or extra effort. Sharing kindness from your heart can help your soul and may even attract kindness towards you.
I extend kindness to others as I would like to receive it.